Theros beyond death quick draft guide
Theros beyond death quick draft guide

theros beyond death quick draft guide

  • In a dedicated enchantment deck, the Champion truly shines as it draws you cards and grows in power each time you play an enchantment.
  • Setessan Champion is a very powerful card, even though its stats might deceive you.
  • Once your opponent is down to a creature or two on their side, it’s basically game for you.
  • It comes with a downside, your opponent gets to draw cards when the Boar attacks, but don’t let that discourage you from attacking with it as it will most likely clear your opponent’s side of the battlefield when it attacks.
  • The Nessian Boar is a very big creature for only five mana.
  • It’s an enchantment as well, so it will help you trigger constellation abilities on top of it all.
  • The Shepherd works particularly well with creatures that have some powerful abilities of their own, and those are plenty in this set.
  • Nightmare Shepherd has great stats on its own, it’s a 4/4 flying creature which comes with a very powerful ability.
  • She will fill your side of the battlefield with her babies very quickly.
  • It protects you from most pesky flyers.
  • Arasta is a powerful creature for the mana-cost.
  • Combined with some enchantments it can deal a good bit of damage.
  • At the end of the day, Atris is also a good attacker because of its menace ability.
  • There are some great ways to trigger his ability multiple times in this set, which comes in handy both by drawing you new cards or putting them in the graveyard to fuel your escape spells.
  • I had the chance to play with Atris in the sealed event during the Pre-release week in Arena.
  • theros beyond death quick draft guide

  • There is quite a bit of luck involved with his ability, but he’s hard to deal with regardless.
  • He has an interesting ability, never before seen in Arena.
  • He’s a bit expensive to cast, but boasts great aggressive stats.
  • On the play in an aggressive deck, she will wreck your opponent’s life points very early.
  • She works well with enchantments, and there’s plenty of those to choose from in this set.
  • It makes any creature into a 4/4 indestructible creature when it attacks.
  • Taranika is a great creature, that will probably even see constructed play in some more aggressive decks.
  • The gold token is not very relevant, but it can help you ramp if you’re stuck on only a few lands or it will help you find the right mana for a splash.
  • Great in any green deck, it will also draw you cards as there is a good chance you will have a 4-power creature during its third chapter.
  • It’s the green saga in the cycle and it boosts your board presence early in the game.
  • Works great in black-red decks with plenty of sacrifice outlets.
  • The Akroan War is the red saga in the saga cycle and it brings quite the advantage to your board, but it is a win more card.
  • Its flavour is on point, acting as a kind of Cerberus of Theros.
  • It also prevents any cards with the escape mechanic to “escape” the graveyard.
  • Kunoros is not a broken card by any means, but its plentiful abilities and good stats for a low mana cost make it a powerful early play.
  • The abundance of powerful enchantments in Theros: Beyond Death makes this a very powerful card.
  • She grows your creatures and gives them flying when enchantments enter the battlefield.
  • Eutropia is an absolute bomb in limited play.
  • It works well with sagas and cheap enchantments.
  • #Theros beyond death quick draft guide full

  • As this set is full of graveyard interactions and enchantment synergies, this card can perform really well in the right deck.
  • Aphemia is a great cheap flyer, and would be playable even without the extra text on the card.
  • It pops out 1/1 tokens which can act as blockers or attackers if you have some pump effects in your deck.
  • theros beyond death quick draft guide

  • It grows bigger every turn with a small investment of one mana per activation.
  • This is a cool early play in draft/sealed that will have to be answered by the opponent or it just might run away with the game.
  • Not to mention that it is possibly the only reliable way to ensure removal of Dream Trawler.
  • The ability of this equipment can let you get rid of Gods and other indestructible cards.
  • It’s very cheap to cast and equip, and it gives the equipped creature lifelink and trample.
  • The most powerful equipment in the set.
  • This article features 25 of the best, most flavourful, most fun cards in this set and is based entirely on my own opinion and experience with the set, which I have gained through games of Draft and Sealed. This set is big on enchantments with many enchantment synergies. The gods of Theros also make a return in the form of Legendary Enchantment Creatures. The main set includes 254 cards and introduces some new mechanics, the most prominent of which being Escape. Theros: Beyond Death takes us back to the ancient Greek mythology inspired plane of Theros.

    theros beyond death quick draft guide

    On the 16th of January, 2020, a new set has been released (or rather pre-released) on MTG Arena.

    Theros beyond death quick draft guide